

From Algolit

Revision as of 13:56, 10 September 2018 by An (talk | contribs)

The Algoliterator

An installation by Gijs De Heij & An Mertens, Algolit, Constant. In Muntpunt, public library, Brussels.

The Algoliterator is trained using a neural network and the full works of Belgian author Felix Timmermans, who entered the public domain in 2018. The ALgoliterator helps you to write a text in the style of Timmermans. You can choose a start sentence from his oeuvre, you can also choose whether you want the Algoliterator to produce the following sentences based on primitive training, intermediate training or final training. The machine proposes a paragraph that you can edit. If you are happy with the result, you can send it to Zora, the house robot of Muntpunt. She will read out the text for you.
